This is the committee for you if you want to be part of the behind-the-scenes work on game days!

Committee Coordinator Mike Krause
Type of Engagement Player Facing (Hands On)
Time Commitment 1-2 hours on game days

This committee will be active before and after each game, both at home and on the road.  The list of needs will be determined by the coaching staff and may vary from week to week.  While this group will be involved on game days, it will NOT be working during the games so you’ll be able to watch all the action.


This is the committee for you if you have a strong network of professionals and enjoy mentoring others.

Committee Coordinator To Be Determined
Type of Engagement Player Facing (Planning)
Time Commitment 1-2 hours per month

Help Union Football players develop off the field, by finding members of society to educate.  We’re looking for a wide variety of professionals that would be willing to aid in their growth.  Examples include financial acumen, mechanical assistance, job placement, etc.


This is the committee for you if you are proficient on social media and can work from home.

Committee Coordinator Andi Spencer-Evans
Type of Engagement Social-Media Based
Time Commitment 1-2 hours per month

With hundreds of former players, we’d like to find these Union Football alums and invite them to be part of the program again.  Each member will be given a roster of a former team and, mainly through social media, will be given resources to help re-engage these players-from-the-past.



This is the committee for you if you have children in the UYFA program.

Committee Coordinator Kameron McQueen
Type of Engagement Player Facing (Planning)
Time Commitment 2-3 hours per month

We’re looking for a group that can help connect the current Union team with the future players in the program.  From scheduling player/coach visits to practices to hosting teams at Union home games, this committee will be growing the future of the program.